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Differences between Tambopata Reserve & Amazon around Iquitos

Differences between Tambopata Reserve & Amazon around Iquitos

With almost two thirds of Peru being classified as being within Amazonia, there are numerous entry points to the ‘selva’. However, the two most popular starting points for a Peruvian Amazon adventure are the cities of Puerto Maldonado in Southern Peru, and Iquitos in the North.

A common question, then, is which one is ‘better’. An understandable, but very tricky, question!

Timmons x 2 Testimonial - Huayhuash Trek, Amazon Fishing, Paracas & Ica

Timmons x 2 Testimonial - Huayhuash Trek, Amazon Fishing, Paracas & Ica

Bruce and Martha, an adventurous couple in their 60s from Tennessee, put together an ambitious itinerary with PeruNorth, eschewing Machu Picchu to take in lesser-visited parts of Peru that encompassed a full range of the country’s contrasting geography: coast, desert, mountains and jungle.

Morrison & Partee - Lima, Cusco, Tambopata & Zafiro Amazon Cruise Testimonial

Morrison & Partee - Lima, Cusco, Tambopata & Zafiro Amazon Cruise Testimonial

Elaine from Los Altos Hills, CA originally planned a solo Galapagos & Peru trip for March 2022, but had to postpone on medical grounds. She was finally able to make the trip, in the company of Morriss, in February 2024

Their itinerary included Lima, Cusco and - quite unusually - time at both an Amazon lodge in Southern Peru and on an Amazon cruise in Northern Peru.

Their original visit to Machu Picchu was cancelled, but luckily they had extra time in their itinerary and were able to rearrange.

Here are her thoughts on the experience.

Collins & Alvarez - Muyuna Amazon Lodge Review

Collins & Alvarez - Muyuna Amazon Lodge Review

Multinational couple - Stephen Collins from the UK and Tammy Alvarez from the US, who are now resident in Mexico City - spent a week at Muyuna Amazon Lodge in late February, 2024.

Urquhart x 2 Testimonial - Trujillo, Chiclayo & Chachapoyas

Urquhart x 2 Testimonial - Trujillo, Chiclayo & Chachapoyas

In November, 2023, PeruNorth received the following enquiry from Thomas, in Portland, Maine: “I have been interested in the Moche/Chimu ever since reading an article in The New Scientist about their engineers who were priests because they knew how to bring the water to the desert (as I remember). My wife and I are interested in finding out more about your coastal civilization itineraries and how they work.”

Northern Peru Archaeology & Low Amazon Lodge Testimonial

Northern Peru Archaeology & Low Amazon Lodge Testimonial

Roberto and Paola from Turin, Italy got in touch with PeruNorth in February 2023 looking for a 24-day itinerary to take in the archaeological and natural highlights of Northern Peru, along with some time in or around an Amazonian reserve, such as Pacaya-Samiria.

Here are their comments about the trip, along with a selection of photos they took:

To the End of the Road - Chiclayo to Yurimaguas

To the End of the Road - Chiclayo to Yurimaguas

PeruNorth was contacted by German journalist, Richard Kienberger, in August 2022 as he looked for a private vehicle to take him from Chiclayo to Yurimaguas, with a day’s break in Chachapoyas.

This was part of a longer trip to go across South America from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. His particular interest was in the motorised vehicles - especially trucks - that ply their trade in these geographically-challenging areas.

Read an abridged, English-language version of the article Richard wrote for French transport magazine France Routes:

Duke & Pugh - Muyuna Amazon Lodge Review

Duke & Pugh - Muyuna Amazon Lodge Review

Two Canadian students, Patrick Duke and Austin Pugh, spent 6 days at Muyuna Amazon Lodge in September 2022. Here is what they said about the experience:

‘We had an amazing time in the Amazon with Muyuna.

Riley & Frankovich - Cusco & Tambopata Review

Riley & Frankovich - Cusco & Tambopata Review

Rochester, NY native, Margaret Riley, took here niece, Jessica, on holiday to Peru as a graduation present in June 2022. Their 10-day itinerary took in:

Here is what they had to say about the experience:

“Our trip to Peru was remarkable.

Sam Watkins - Cuispes & Chachapoyas Review

Sam Watkins - Cuispes & Chachapoyas Review

Read the testimony of Sam Watkins, a UK national living in Malaga, Spain, who travelled solo to Northern Peru in July 2022.

He stayed in the little-visited village of Cuispes, from where he visited Yumbilla, Cristal, Medio Cerro and Gocta waterfall.

He did a day trip to El Tigre Sarcophagi; and finished by visiting the Chachapoya citadel of Yalape (in lieu of Kuelap that was closed owing to restoration work).

The last night was spent in Chachapoyas city; and much of the transport was by mototaxi, in order to keep costs down.

Higgins & Mitra - Tambopata Research Center Review

Higgins & Mitra - Tambopata Research Center Review

Two thirty-something doctoral researchers in Biological Sciences from Mountain View, CA were drawn to Tambopata Research Center [TRC] for its history of scientific investigation deep in the Amazon jungle, and so booked a 4-day / 3-night stay in July 2022. Here are their impressions:

Francisco Secada Vignetta - Iquitos' Flying Ace

Francisco Secada Vignetta - Iquitos' Flying Ace
  • Read about the man who gave his name to Iquitos Airport.

  • An ace pilot in the early years of the Peruvian Air Force.

  • A hero of the Leticia War with Colombia, fought in Amazonia 1932-33.