Cloud Forest

Differences between Tambopata Reserve & Amazon around Iquitos

Differences between Tambopata Reserve & Amazon around Iquitos

With almost two thirds of Peru being classified as being within Amazonia, there are numerous entry points to the ‘selva’. However, the two most popular starting points for a Peruvian Amazon adventure are the cities of Puerto Maldonado in Southern Peru, and Iquitos in the North.

A common question, then, is which one is ‘better’. An understandable, but very tricky, question!

Urquhart x 2 Testimonial - Trujillo, Chiclayo & Chachapoyas

Urquhart x 2 Testimonial - Trujillo, Chiclayo & Chachapoyas

In November, 2023, PeruNorth received the following enquiry from Thomas, in Portland, Maine: “I have been interested in the Moche/Chimu ever since reading an article in The New Scientist about their engineers who were priests because they knew how to bring the water to the desert (as I remember). My wife and I are interested in finding out more about your coastal civilization itineraries and how they work.”

10 Facts about Spectacled Bears

10 Facts about Spectacled Bears

The Spectacled - or Andean - Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) holds a special place in PeruNorth's heart, being the emblematic large mammal of northern Peru's dry forest and cloud forest.

It is fitting, therefore, that we should give this attractive and endangered species some blog time!

Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird

Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird

You may (or may not) have wondered about the inspiration behind the PeruNorth logo. Well, the animal chosen to represent Northern Peru is the Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird (Loddigesia mirabilis).

Salkantay Trek - Alternative Route to Machu Picchu

Salkantay Trek - Alternative Route to Machu Picchu

My first multi-day trek was on the Classic Inca Trail way back in 2000 while working as a Tour Leader … and I was immediately hooked. The scenery, the camaraderie, the archaeology and the sense of achievement upon arriving at the Sun Gate of Machu Picchu after four days’ hiking added up to a wonderful experience. 

Now no longer a tour leader accompanying groups around Peru, the opportunity to go trekking in the spectacular Andes mountains have been much reduced. But, after years of longing, I finally completed the Salkantay Trek, one of the alternative routes to Machu Picchu, in July 2015.