Iquitos is the largest city in the world that is not connected by road to any other city. Like most cities in Peru, though, it has a central Plaza de Armas … which features a fountain, landscaped gardens and a war monument.

Overlooking the Plaza de Armas is Iquitos’ St. John the Baptist Cathedral, which was completed in 1924.
This is another view of the Plaza de Armas from a bedroom window of the Hilton Iquitos.
Iquitos is largely defined by the Amazon River, and its tributaries, that surround the city on three sides.
A popular hangout for locals and visitors alike is Boulevard Joaquin Abensur, which overlooks the Amazon River and has a number of bars and restaurants.
A photo taken within the giant frame on Boulevard Joaquin Abensur is de rigeur when visiting Iquitos!
Boulevard Joaquin Abensur mixes modern buildings with remnants of architecture from the Rubber Boom period in the late-19th, early-20th Century.

One of the most spectacular Rubber Boom mansions is the Old Hotel Palace, to be found on the corner of Boulevard Joaquin Abensur and Jiron Putumayo.
Another famous building dating from the Rubber Boom period is the Iron House on the Plaza de Armas, whose pre-fabricated design is attributed to Gustave Eiffel.
The most common form of transport around Iquitos - and all jungle cities, for that matter - is the mototaxi.
Here are a host of mototaxis parked up, waiting for clients, in the riverside district of Puerto Bellavista.

A cultural attraction of Iquitos is the Museum of Indigenous Amazon Culture, exploring the many different indigenous peoples to be found in Peru’s Amazon region, and beyond.
Just outside the city is the Amazon Rescue Center, where the main attraction are the manatees, that visitors can hand-feed.

Another attraction of Iquitos are the markets, where unusual Amazonian products and foodstuffs are on display.

A classic Iquitos cityscape: Jiron Prospero with St. John the Baptist Cathedral in the distance.