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Kaiser x 2 Testimonial | Peru's Northern Coast - Lima to Mancora | Arequipa & Colca Canyon

Kaiser x 2 Testimonial | Peru's Northern Coast - Lima to Mancora | Arequipa & Colca Canyon

Melissa & George Kaiser of Bend, Oregon made a five-week trip to Peru in February / March, 2024

  • Melissa had been to school in Lima in the late ‘60s, and was keen to reconnect with the country of her youth!

  • PeruNorth organised the middle three weeks:

Here are their thoughts on the experience:

Urquhart x 2 Testimonial - Trujillo, Chiclayo & Chachapoyas

Urquhart x 2 Testimonial - Trujillo, Chiclayo & Chachapoyas

In November, 2023, PeruNorth received the following enquiry from Thomas, in Portland, Maine: “I have been interested in the Moche/Chimu ever since reading an article in The New Scientist about their engineers who were priests because they knew how to bring the water to the desert (as I remember). My wife and I are interested in finding out more about your coastal civilization itineraries and how they work.”

Northern Peru Archaeology & Low Amazon Lodge Testimonial

Northern Peru Archaeology & Low Amazon Lodge Testimonial

Roberto and Paola from Turin, Italy got in touch with PeruNorth in February 2023 looking for a 24-day itinerary to take in the archaeological and natural highlights of Northern Peru, along with some time in or around an Amazonian reserve, such as Pacaya-Samiria.

Here are their comments about the trip, along with a selection of photos they took:

10 Facts about Spectacled Bears

10 Facts about Spectacled Bears

The Spectacled - or Andean - Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) holds a special place in PeruNorth's heart, being the emblematic large mammal of northern Peru's dry forest and cloud forest.

It is fitting, therefore, that we should give this attractive and endangered species some blog time!