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To the End of the Road - Chiclayo to Yurimaguas

To the End of the Road - Chiclayo to Yurimaguas

PeruNorth was contacted by German journalist, Richard Kienberger, in August 2022 as he looked for a private vehicle to take him from Chiclayo to Yurimaguas, with a day’s break in Chachapoyas.

This was part of a longer trip to go across South America from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic. His particular interest was in the motorised vehicles - especially trucks - that ply their trade in these geographically-challenging areas.

Read an abridged, English-language version of the article Richard wrote for French transport magazine France Routes:

Lagunas - The 'Other' Gateway to Pacaya-Samiria

Lagunas - The 'Other' Gateway to Pacaya-Samiria

Like Iquitos, Santiago de Lagunas (to give the full name) is a jungle town founded by missionaries, in the Amazonian province of Loreto; and like Iquitos, it is a jumping-off point for visiting the surrounding rainforest, especially the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve.

But, even though Lagunas is nearly 100 years older than Iquitos, having been founded in 1670 by a priest, Juan Lorenzo Lucero, it has a fraction of the population and receives a fraction of the visitors.