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Differences between Tambopata Reserve & Amazon around Iquitos

Differences between Tambopata Reserve & Amazon around Iquitos

With almost two thirds of Peru being classified as being within Amazonia, there are numerous entry points to the ‘selva’. However, the two most popular starting points for a Peruvian Amazon adventure are the cities of Puerto Maldonado in Southern Peru, and Iquitos in the North.

A common question, then, is which one is ‘better’. An understandable, but very tricky, question!

6 Best Iquitos Attractions

6 Best Iquitos Attractions

It is said that ‘he who goes to Iquitos alone, returns a father’. The veracity of this saying has yet to be confirmed, but PeruNorth can verify that five days in the largest city in the world not connected to ‘civilization’ by road was nowhere near enough.