Pomac Historical Sanctuary
Located in the Department of Lambayeque, Pomac is one of just four areas in Peru categorised as a 'historical sanctuary', being a rare example of dry, equatorial forest, as well as home to numerous sites of archaeological interest.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
The archaeological points of interest are numerous pyramids (huacas) constructed by the Sican civilisation.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
It was while excavating around the Huaca Las Ventanas pyramid in Pomac in 2011 that archaeologists found evidence of what appeared to be a Sican mass sacrifice of more than 100 people.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
Being made of adobe, the huacas have been largely disfigured by weathering, but you can see evidence of the symmetrical Sican building pattern at the base of the pyramid.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
Sican wall designs have also been protected from the weather by archaeologists.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
A good way to visit Pomac is on horseback, as the distance between archaeological sites is quite large and the heat in this equatorial region can be quite extreme.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
Like many of the services in Northern Peru, the horse wranglers for Pomac are authentically local.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
The family business includes the sale of home-made textiles, with designs that stretch back to the Sican era.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
A chance to buy one of the wide-brimmed straw hats typical of the region, and ideal for the hot, sunny days in Lambayeque.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
There are horses available for all shapes and sizes.

Pomac Historical Sanctuary
The dry forests of Pomac are renowned for the rare and endemic bird species to be found within … although this black vulture is not one of them!