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Hiking to Kuelap

Hiking to Kuelap

There is undoubtedly more than just a masochistic pleasure in hiking to a Peruvian archaeological site. Their awe-inspiring, natural settings can be savoured fully at walking pace; and the emotions unleashed by physical exertion seem to heighten an appreciation for the pre-Colombian, pre-wheeled-vehicle way of life.

In the case of Kuelap, to reach the ruins on foot, you will have had to ascend 1,200 m (3,940  ft) on a beautiful, but largely unshaded trail. 

Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird

Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird

You may (or may not) have wondered about the inspiration behind the PeruNorth logo. Well, the animal chosen to represent Northern Peru is the Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird (Loddigesia mirabilis).