a guide to gotas de agua private conservation area
Dry Forest at Gotas de Agua Reserve.
Gotas de Agua (Drops of Water) is a privately-owned and protected reserve of some 18,000 hectares (4,448 acres) of dry scrub - which is the typical habitat of the surrounding region - at an altitude of around 650 m (2,132 ft).
It is less than a half hour drive east of Jaen, in the north of the province of Cajamarca. It is also possible to walk from the city to the reserve.
The reserve has a well-marked trail system and is a good place to see Marañon Crescentchest, Little Inca Finch and Chinchipe Spinetail. Tataupa Tinamou are often heard … and occasionally seen.
Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 17°C (63ºF) to 32°C (90ºF) … and is rarely below 15°C (59ºF) or above 35°C (95ºF). The best months to visit are from late-May to September, when the temperatures are a little cooler, skies are clearer and the air is drier.
Gotas de Agua offers basic accommodation and meals for those wishing to stay overnight.
Key bird species at Gotas de Agua:
Harris's Hawk
Savanna Hawk
Marañon Slaty-Antshrike
Lesser Nighthawk
Collared Antshrike
Red-crested Finch
Tataupa Tinamou
Marañon Crescentchest
Little Inca Finch
Scarlet-backed Woodpecker
Peruvian Pygmy Owl
Yellow-tailed Oriole
Rufous-fronted Thornbird
Marañon Spinetail
Fasciated Wren
Purple-collared Woodstar
Scarlet-fronted Parakeet
Spotted Rail
Paint-billed Crake
Chinchipe Spinetail
Spot-throated Hummingbird
Striped Cuckoo
Black-and-White Becard
Brown-crested Flycatcher
Purple-throated Euphonia
Marañon Crescentchest at Gotas de Agua.
How to Visit Gotas de Agua Private Conservation Area:
Views over the Jaen valley from Gotas de Agua.
The endemic species to be found in Gotas de Agua’s dry forest, and its location just 17 km (10.5 miles) off the highway from Chiclayo to Tarapoto, makes it a destination on some of PeruNorth's birding routes:
For those coming to the Chachapoyas region, many arrive and depart on the direct flights between Lima and Jaen. So it may be possible to include a visit to Gotas de Agua on the way there or back. Just ask us for more information.